“Calm Down Glitter Bottle” Students Workshop

Date: 24/01/2022

When the teachers ask “Have you ever lost your temper? Have you ever been scared out of your wits?”, many hands in the classroom raised immediately. In fact, being able to notice the ups and downs of mood has been beneficial to ourselves.

In order to help students improve their concentration, emotion management skills and the ability to cope with stress, our school has joined the Jockey Club School Mindfulness Project this year. Throughout the project, students learned how to bring back attention at that moment intentionally without judgement.

In that particular workshop, students got to know about “Calm Down Glitter Bottle” and ways of practising mindful breathing. “Calm Down Glitter Bottle” is a small tool that can help us calm down, it represents our thoughts. When the glitter that jumps and flies around in the bottle slowly precipitates to the end, the mood will gradually calm down and enter a quiet state of mind.

Teachers and students use the “Calm Down Glitter Bottle” to practise meditation and learn how to deal with emotions positively. Through constant practice, we can improve our ability to focus, manage emotions and deal with stress.
